Then I went to her wedding, (this was about three weeks ago, sorry, not very much an update ;p) with loads of others, my fellow classmates of Dictator 03, both the already-graduated ones and the not-just-yet graduated ones. hehehe.. Dala looked so beautiful in a traditional buginese wedding gown.. I don't know what it is called, Baju Bodo? hehehe.. and her groom, looked good aswell, he loooked ecstatic.. hehehe.. Dala Uleng, I just could not believe you kept your friggin mouth shut about your wedding plans! nobody knew!
Since all of us are now torn apart, and everybody is busy with their own business, we, the Dictator 03 friends, took advantage of our presence at Dala's wedding, and decided to go for a studio photo shoot to memorize this "rare" meeting of ours.. hehehe.. Well, cheer to you all again, and to Dala Uleng, Enjoy Each Moment of The Marriage Of Yours.. It's Going To Be A Challenge, Dala.. and I know so damn well that you are so much going to take advantage of this Rainy season of Indonesia... I know that, ! hehehhee.!!!