Dictator’03 is the name of the class of 2003 of the International Relations department, faculty of Social and Politic Science, Hasanuddin Univ. Dictator’03 had 49 students. I am one of the student, and I must admit, I met some unbelievably amazing people and I developed the best friendship I have ever built with all of my fellow Dictators. I am so very very proud, to be one of those 49 people, in the shade of the name Dictator 03.
It has been four years already, and we all enjoyed the every single time we had been through, despite all of the bickering, tensions, and stress of the study, it was all amazing four years. However, this year, our fellow Dictators have been dramatically reduced due to some of them decided that it was time to get graduated, for the sake of the next chapter of their life, and not being stucked for another period of semester being in Int’l Relations study. Well, I wish, and I know that they are going to be successful on the next step of their life, whether, they’re going working at the professional work environment, working from 9 to 5 maybe, or, decided to get married. Well, all of them are amazing and they’re going to be awesome I know they are. So here we go, I’ll just mention them, my beloved brothers and sisters who already graduated this year, and I just want to say in advance, that I love you all, you were the best, and I will never ever forget the fact that you were always on my mind, and also, in my heart.
Harnita Rahman. She’s one of the littlest persons in the Dictator 03, however don’t let her fool you, she’s maybe the littlest person, but she has an enormous amount of brain weight. She’s a little screeching in her voice hehehe but that’s what I love about her. She has the most down-to-earth personality, and she was the first of 49 Dictators who graduated, March this year, so I have the biggest respect for her. Nitha, if you read this, I want to say thank you for being my friend, thanks for being my sister, and we have many things in common, we’re from the same ethnic background, we’re from the town of Bone… hehehhee..
Nining Pratiwi. Ok this one, she had a rough time at the beginning of our first semester, at the Ospek, or the orientation program for new students, because the fact that she’s not a native Makassar, she’s from the capital city. Hehehe, this one, just like Nitha, has a more-than-average pitch of voice, but that’s what I like about her aswell hehehe. The thing that I admire the most from her, that the time of her in Makassar for the past 4 years, she was not only here to accomplish her study, but she also grew up as a woman. Nining, we had an amazing time when I was in Jakarta in August this year, and I hope, that that was not going to be my last time seeing you. Love you, sister.
Yandri Mono. Everytime I hear the name of this guy, he cracks me up. I could never ever forget the fact that he told everyone in a forum at the beginning of our first semester, that the reason he chose IR to be his discipline study is because the fact that it is only take short distance from his place to get to. Hahahaha. Well, for sure, do not judge a book from its cover. It begun from a hilarious answer of his, and now, he announce that he’s being the first guy of Dictator to be graduated. Well, good on you then, bro!
Nur Isma Ansari.. well, this is one of the best friends of mine in Dictator’03. There are just loads about her and I wish I could write all of them. She’s ridiculous, she’s hilarious, she’s smart as hell, and the thing that I always admire about her, is that she has a charisma, a charm about her. I don’t know about how to judge whether a person have a charisma or not, but this girl, I admit that I see a charisma in her. what made me come up with that kind of assessment about her? I don’t know. Unexplainable. That’s just the way she is. Well, she has a list of Ex-es.. hahaha.. and she one time asked me to translate her love letter to one of her Ex-es into English. Hahahhaha.. she’s now working for a Non-Governmental Organization, not sure what it is called, but I know that she’s going to be excelled on that path should she choose it. Isma, baby, love you to death, you’re the best, never forget me when you’re ‘Become’. One last word: work it out more on your English,babe!
WaOde Syarifah Kasmia. I must tell ya, Dictator’03 is known for its colorful people. This one for example. Hahaha. She’s not very articulated the way she speaks.. hahaha. Often times she stumbles on a word that she can not pronounce. Well, I would not say that as a negative of her, because that’s what makes her unique. She’s also from the capital, like Nining. Recently, she’s linked to one of my highschool fellow, and, well congratulations for that. Hehehehe. I heard that you’re going to go back to the capital.. Sharee… I’ll miss the laugh, the awkwardness of your voice. You’re going back… but your sister? Not just yet, right? She’s still here right? Hahahhaa.. just want to say, you’re amazing, you’re lovely, you are what you are. A unique kind of girl.
Edy Syumardi Syamsu. Ok.. Where do I begin… I think from most my fellow Dictators, I often times got into a confrontation with this one.. I don’t know why hehehe.. well, back then, maybe I was still a precautious little monster myself, and I did not know what I was doing, but when I see this one in a manner of his “metrosexual personality”, that’s just.. hahahhaa.. Edy, bro.. how’s the 3-million-rupiah shoes are doing? They’re doing amazing right? Better take care of em good, buddy… and do not drive your car recklessly..
Tenri Ajeng. this is one of the luckiest girl. She’s married to an American Idol finalist this year named Chris Richardson. Hahaha. Jeng, he’s going to get back home from tour very soon, so prepare those extra energy you have saved for the last three months, girl. Give your best shot to the super-exhausted husband of yours. He’s been through a lot of cities in three months, for gods sakes! Hahahha. Ok. Ajeng, I just admire her for her wide knowledge of the entertainment industries. Hahaha. Whenever I meet her, there’s only one thing: laugh. But she’s also one of the most sensitive personality. She knows what she stood for, and she can’t stand associating with something that she does not feel good about. Ajeng, you’re an amazing girl, do not let anyone tell you otherwise, and always held your head high, my sister from another mother. Hahahha remember that line?
Muthia Pratiwi. Whenever I meet or hear about this girl, I feel like goosebumps for some reason. I sometimes afraid of her so-called authoritative personality. Later on, I know something. That’s is somekind of like-mother-like-daughter thing. Hahaha.. just kidding, Muthe. But yes, I must admit, everytime I get any text-message from you, I feel a sense of fear. I don’t know. It’s just something bad is going to happen to me. Hahahhaha. Just kidding again. Well she’s amazing, and she’s also smart. Back then, I always have her helped me with my homeworks, she’s nice, she’s cute, but it can turn to an exact opposite once you get her started. Hehehe. So, her long time boyfriend, Sadat, he surprised me on how well he sings, but no way, he would not beat me, so name a new competition, Mute, come on, Bring it on! Hehehe She’s a primary school teacher, which I find it so amusing, hahaha.. what are those little kids going to get through, for gods sake. hahahaha hope you’re succeed in your life, Te. And I’m expecting a wedding invitation soon ok? that’s a sincere wish from your brother here.
Ok, that’s where this ends. I am sorry for the rest of Dictators who already graduated, I can not mention you one-by-one, I am so tired of typing now hehee. Just never forget that, all those times we had spent.. the memoirs I will never ever forget till I die. Love you all.
wets, lengkap sekali testimoninya ces... kapan2 riyow tulis komentar juga buat saya dong... :)
Fiuh...capek jg nih bacanya mesti mikir gt..
here we goes..sekarang sa lg ngetik coment 4 my BIG Brother (biar lebh mendramatisir BIG..BIG..BIG...brotherku hehehe ikutan si kambing sory ye..ngopy)sa rada sebel ini soalnya mas warnetnya ganti soundtract jd mellow hampir ilang Moodku tdnya sudah Aji..b ost Kucing Garong ;( seriuska ini!
Lanjut!..perkenalkan namaku Putri Asih Purwanti Santoso asli jawa meski kadang di sangka org Ambon..(Siala'!)
K'Rio itu one of the most favorit senior d HI khususnya Regime (oh yo sa Putte E13105022 HI regime member hehehe)soalnya baek tawwa misalnya?:
klo butuh share tugas? ada!
klo butuh tebengan? ada!
klo butuh utangan? apalagi traktiran ada!
klo butuh teman Gosipan? ada!
klo butuh teman u/ bokepan? ada!(mnurut sumber terpercaya)
Coba bayangkan paket lengkap kaya gini cuma ada di HIMAHI (silahkan berdayakan sesuka anda)
oh yo..K'Rio ini orangnya bertanggung jawab tawwa klo da apa..apa..dia rela menanggung bebannya, pekerja keras! liat saja even-even di HI klo adaki jd panitia/stering pasti sukses itu! br rajin sekali evaluasi (Rapat) jadi klo mo kerja dalam kepanitiannya kudu Rajin..pernah tuh kjadian waktu Golden Moment Regime 05 K'Rio setres berat! duh maapkan kami ya...
oh ya..tambahan k'Rio sa jd terharu ini baca Blognya sa jd kbayang gmn jdnya ya..nanti klo giliran angkatan )5 yg lulus da g ya..yg mo sibu'-sibu' bgn?
pokoknya Hidup K'Rio bawalah bendera HIMAHI bersamamu!!!
NB:jangan lupa Dana Abadi nya jalan dong hehehe biar himpunan kita makin keren!
bye ;p luv U Broo
HaHa.bagus juga smua komenmu soaL sy, smuanya itu bukan mgambaRkan sy scRa keseLuRuHan dmata oRg yow, tapi sy keseLuRuHan dmatamu.SiaLa.Kyk tong sy ni monsteR yg sLaLu Recoki u dgn sms yg bwt u tegang!!!!!!
Tapi, tengQ, u jg teman yg baik sLm ni,ce'.
tunggu mi'undanganku naH, sgeRa.DGedung GRaHa pena ato CLaRion, bwt u sy ksH undangan VIP, pas dkt meja tmpt makan dsediakan.HaHa.
aHHHHH, kangenku m u smua, tmsk m u,yow!!beneR kta u, daH byk wkt yg Qta dan ygLainnya Hbskan wkt, muLai dR yg giLa mpe yg giLa skL.
Knapa ndak semua dictator yang wisuda saat itu ko komentari.Ndak boleh bgitu Yow...jangan cuma teman jalanmu yang ko komentari...ckckck...
Dari temannya Barlina,Ramen,Sara Tonapa, Yandri Mono, Edy Syumardi Sy, dsb
Saya sebagai salah satu dictator merasa kecewa!
kenapah Ika nda ada tawwah... aduwh pisng sayah belah...
wetsss... putte' tawwah.. saingankoh sm Murni, putte! hwhaahahahahahahahha
HUaaaaa..akHiRnya se buKa juGa bLoG mu, seteLaH beRibu2 Sms mu padaKuh.!!! hehehhe
AduH yOw..kEnaPa u biLanG kLo sE sudaH meniKaH??? kan bLum peKa konprensi pers.!!! naNti cowo2 yg naKsir sy pd munduR yow..
einiwei..makasih atas testimoninya buat sy.!!! terhaRu ka..teRnyata sy masuk daLam sahaba2 na riyo..
bsok se ke makassar, kita guncang makassar...hahaha.!!!
4 tahun berteman dengan riyo betul2 bikin hari2 kuliah tidak bosan (betuLkaaaa yow)..!!! kaLo kata anak2 yg juga nebeng-ers di mobiL'y yow, kLo ajeng sm Riyo sdh ketemu n ngobrol, kita jadi org paling sempurna yg ada di dunia...hahaha..maCcaLLa adaLaH obRolan Hangat sodara2.!!!
Yow.. waLopun aGak susah mengaRtikan bLog-mu..taPi tengkyuu my brother from another mother.!!!hehhehe...ko benar2 tau ajeng sbenarnya...n i know u too bro.!!
pS : toLong kasi pilihan bahasa inggris, bahasa indonesia dan bahasa korea yah.!!!! hahahhaha
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