Last night, (Saturday, 27/10/07) I was invited by my dad to accompany him to go to a wedding reception. Actually I was not really keen, going to a wedding reception with my dad, particularly because he likes to poke fun about me to his relations and friends and family that he met at the wedding. When he does that, all I can do is just put the fakest smile I can muster, and I do not like being fake. Hehehe.
But when I was told that the wedding is Melinda Aksa’s (daughter of one rich entrepreneur and deputy of the nation’s House of Representative, Aksa Mahmur) wedding, I thought that it would be cool, because I’ll be able to meet my cousins and other families. Besides, Melinda is the one who helped to be getting enrolled as an intern at Deplu (Dept. of Foreign Affairs) a few months back. But the coolest thing is that the wedding reception was going to be held at CCC or Celebes Convention Centre, located at Tanjung Bunga area, it is a brand new massive building, and this wedding reception apparantly is its first gig. I have read from the paper that this building have cost roughly Rp. 60 billion. Well, no more thinking, I was on my way instantly. “Let’s go, dad.”
But when I was told that the wedding is Melinda Aksa’s (daughter of one rich entrepreneur and deputy of the nation’s House of Representative, Aksa Mahmur) wedding, I thought that it would be cool, because I’ll be able to meet my cousins and other families. Besides, Melinda is the one who helped to be getting enrolled as an intern at Deplu (Dept. of Foreign Affairs) a few months back. But the coolest thing is that the wedding reception was going to be held at CCC or Celebes Convention Centre, located at Tanjung Bunga area, it is a brand new massive building, and this wedding reception apparantly is its first gig. I have read from the paper that this building have cost roughly Rp. 60 billion. Well, no more thinking, I was on my way instantly. “Let’s go, dad.”
When I got there, the place was.. darn.. the building is huge, and, just… abundant of people were there… wheww… At.. the parking lot.. When I got inside the building, its great hall to be exact, it was like, darn.. I thought there were thousands of people there.. And then, I saw a long lines of people, queueing for a chance to shake the newlyweds’ hands to congratulate them… And then, I saw a lot of public figures, and politicans, and celebrities,.. well, this is one hell of a wedding.. The hall was designed elegantly, with a huge huge curtain above, and fabulous food.. awesome awesome.. I regret it for the fact that I did not bring my digital camera, I only had my cellphone to take pics L but it’s ok at least I had a piece of what this brand new pride of Makassar has to offer. And I met my friends there, too, and sure, my cousin, and a cousin that I have not met before, his name was Raviq, a son of my dad’s cousin. He lives in Jakarta, that’s why I never met him. he was so friendly, and it did not take long to get into great conversation with him. Normally I have always had rough time, trying to get into conversation with a new person I just met, but this kid, Raviq, lights me up and he cracks me up. I’ll look forward for another time meeting him again. But beneath all, the wedding was awesome, the building was just.. unbelievable.!

with Raviq, the cousin I have never met before