Ruli is my friend, he's also happened to be a family of mine. He's ridiculous, I can't even tell you, I just like to laugh on everything that he says and everything that he does, although, there are times when I'm really sure that he's more than just a ridiculous guy. His thoughts about things sometimes are beyond my comprehension, and I just want to state that, when people say "do not judge the book by its cover" it is absolutely true. He's always fresh on thoughts, and always hilarious. Ruli is now applying for a scholarship for his Master's degree, maybe in some country in Europe.. Some friends like LaOde M. Syafaat have this kind of prophecy that Ruli is really keen to apply for a Master's degree in the country of Netherlands, and someday is going to plan a wedding there... Hehehehe... Ruli.. if that is true, good luck on you buddy... For now, enjoy your pic.!
Ruli...???? Ini org gila..berbahaya! Jangan didekati!
k ruliii(sahaba'x k amri..)
gila,,ancur,,agak sensi,,ongol2,,lucu abizz Opportunist abizz(ini julukanx tuk dirix sndiri,,..)hehehe..
k ruli SMART,,dr pikiran2x,,ide2 gila+lucux..hehehe..seancur2 dia,,dia msih memikirkan meraih cita2x tuk ms depanx tuk kehidupan yg lbh cerah...semangat!!!
ryo,,mng paling jago 'critai' orng,,,k ruli amng bgitu mi yg ryo blng.,,,..(krng dan lbhx,,mohon dimaafkan..)
just 2 comment??....c'mon make a dozen of it, then i'll buy u a drink..huahahaha
Ruli???? ptma kTemu ma ni senior satu wkT msihka mAba N sll bkin org betanya2 coz sll jln sama cow (k' schong) bhkan smpat ma mikir kLo k' RuLi tuh sd Gay....
Tp teXta cow ji tauwwa krn mrk cm shabatjie tauwwa...
K' Rul, carikan dulu cew nah disana...
jombloka bela...
Eh, maumi tutup dede k' so c u soon..
Sukses slaluw buat kanda ruLi...
iiiii Ancha'
Hmmm..RuLi..!! oRg LucU kEtiGa seteLaH jojon n TukuL.! peRtama Liat nih kk.se kira "meLambai".!! teRnyata...
Hmm dengar2 mo ke beLanda..
Ruli..se salut dengan perjuangan mu..tp ternyata negara kita blom bisa melegalkan "hal itu"..jd ruli harus jauh2 ke Belanda,,,
it's ok..kami tunggu kabar bahagianya ...
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