Friday, November 30, 2007
Quickie Express' Experience
oK, this is an interesting one. My friend Isma two nights ago was so frantic, not to mention histerically text messaged me, particularly wanted me to watch the movie called Quickie Express As Soon As Possible, she said. When I asked what this movie's about, she was like, kind of saying that the movie is the corkiest and the closest-to-be-a-porn Indonesian movie she has seen so far... That statement of course made me curious in a weird kind of way.... and when she said that Tora Sudiro is the leading role of the movie, I was like, "no kidding.." Then I promised her that I'll watch movie tomorrow (or yesterday now). Isma closed the text messaging saying "Yes, you've got to watch it like, Tomorrow, because I know that this movie is going to be a controversial one, it's only about time that MUI (Majelis Ulama Indonesia) going to ban this movie."
Well, I could not help my curiosity, and then I went to watch the movie with Ancha and Andhyka the next day.. They were also curious about the movie. I was sooo.... shocked about this movie, depicting a story about a guy's experience to become a Gigolo.. HAHAHAHAHA... of course.. I was a bit thrilled for the fact that this movie is in the genre of Comedy... I could not imagine if it were other genres.. hehehehe.. Well, it was funny as hell of course, but still, a very controversial movie.. Amink and Lukman Sardi, also played as two rookie gigolos, as well as Tora Sudiro, played so very funny.. Amink in particular did a great job, acting as a true and real Guy.. hehehhe.. I was shocked however, to Ira Maya Sopha.. a senior Indonesian actress, and a former child singer, who played as a Client of Tora Sudiro's character, and they were literally, were having foreplays... tsk tsk tsk.. but, it was a great act by her.. Well I was totally speechless after I watched the movie, it was ridiculous and funny as hell, but also a controversial one.. I mentioned this alot now.. hehehhee... The message that was brought by this movie is, I'll sum it up...... umm.. "Do not even dare to fall in love if you are a Gigolo.. It is not that it is impossible for you to feel that you are fall for it, it is because that no one is going to believe that you're capable to fall for it, because of what you are.." hahahhahaha.... I think Andhyka agrees with me...
Ok here's a trailer of the movie.. Hope you'll like it!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The Celebration(s) of Cucan & Aldy
So much fun again.. gooo Hi-Ers!!!!
We had a lot of nice chats, most of them we poked fun at Eddy Syumardi Syamsu, who just arrived Makassar, after a few months in Singapore "S'Po" hahaha... He's taking his Master's Degree in a famous university there, majoring in Fashions.. or what? I was not paying attention really, but it might be true because of the fact that I have known for a long time that Eddy has a pretty serious attention towards the latest fashion.. like Versace, Gucci, Chanel, D&G, but Eddy's favourite fashion brand is of course... Louis Vuitton... Gosh.. what a unique kind of Human Eddy Sumardy Syamsu is...
Aunt Fien (Cucan's mom) as usual, made us nice homemade Pangsit Noodle which I DUG too much, It was so freaking delicious, that I could not eat just one bowl portion of noodles I had three hahhahaa.. I had to eat two.. hehehe just like Ridha... Then, there came Muthe (who, almost about to ruin my day because of her being so much demanding like usual.. hehehe), Kanda Abdurrahman "Chase-m" Kasim with Suryani "Reigme" and another pair by the name of Andi Tenri "UQ" Sukri Pangerang and our beloved civil servant, M. Amri... It was a very showering afternoon.. raining all freaking day.. but our time was so much brighter than the day.. because like always, we had fun, we had great conversations, and the most important thing is the fact that we celebrated two of our newest graduations of International Relations.. Best of luck to Cucan and Aldy!!!! Wish you two a happy.. umm.. Life ahead, Love you both!!
Chucank & Aldy.. CongratuLationS..! For.. Um..
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Radja Bakso (Meatball)
Most of you people have watched that kind of delicacy tasting show, it is called "Wisata Kuliner" the famous tagline of the show is "Whooaa.. Ma'nyus!" hehehhe.. I went to try for a little Wisata Kuliner myself, and there's some bakso (meatball) restaurant just opened at Losari Beach, it is located right in front of the Anjungan Losari Beach. Isma, my friend, who recently just got engaged, introduce me the restaurant.. She was like "Riyo, you've got to taste the Cheese bakso..! I tasted it and I could barely talk, it's so good,!" well, She knows my weak spots.. I mean, I can never say no to try new when it comes to food.. Hehehehe.. So I went there, two days ago, with her and some other friends.. and after I taste the cheese Bakso, wow.. it was.. so good.. delicious.. it was unbearable.. hehehhee... Well I might sound I'm exaggerating, but guys, you've got to try it.. It's so good..
Yesterday, I could not help it, I felt like I got addicted to it already, and I went there Again, with Dede and Andhyka.. and they loved it too.. I told Andhyka that I've got to write this and post on blogs, but he said that I should not do that, since the manager of the restaurant would not pay the advertisement for me. Hahahha.. come on, I am not trying to help them.. I am trying to help you guys, who's always eager to try something new, please do come to the Radja Bakso, darn it.. If you don't like cheese, there are tons of other bakso flavor you've got to try.. Like shrimp bakso, squid bakso, fish bakso, sausage bakso.... Ok, my mouth is flooding with saliva now.. sorry.. hehehe.. Ok.. you Got to try this...!
Yesterday, I could not help it, I felt like I got addicted to it already, and I went there Again, with Dede and Andhyka.. and they loved it too.. I told Andhyka that I've got to write this and post on blogs, but he said that I should not do that, since the manager of the restaurant would not pay the advertisement for me. Hahahha.. come on, I am not trying to help them.. I am trying to help you guys, who's always eager to try something new, please do come to the Radja Bakso, darn it.. If you don't like cheese, there are tons of other bakso flavor you've got to try.. Like shrimp bakso, squid bakso, fish bakso, sausage bakso.... Ok, my mouth is flooding with saliva now.. sorry.. hehehe.. Ok.. you Got to try this...!
andhyka's having time of his life

Monday, November 19, 2007
Blake: Beatboxer's Breakthrough
Alright, the wait's finally over. For those of you who were a huge fan of Mr. Blake Lewis, second finisher of the current installment of American Idol, his new single is finally here. I must say, I like this piece at the first moment I was listening it. His first album, I bet the album's going to be a blast! the album is called Audio Day Dream or A.D.D... well, I have no idea what is the meaning behind this title, but I am looking forward for the album to be released. I only have the cover of the album, and it is totally fresh and new, it's so different from everything else out there. Ok for now, if you want to have the first piece of Idol's best Beatboxer, Have it your way, feel free to download the track.!

Or click this if you want to have the Lyrics of Break Anotha.
If you want more information about him, go to Blake Lewis' Myspace page.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
I Like Watching Tennis, You Like Watching Soccer, Fair, Right?!
It is undeniable for the fact that the majority of people would immediately say "soccer tournaments and matches!" when they are being asked about their favorite sports programs. Some might even say soccer unites the world. Yes, it is possible, I won’t argue that. I also happened to watches some matches on tv every now and then. It is just, if I am being asked about my favorite sports program, on tv, I would say tennis matches. Some friends of mine find it odd, me watching tennis matches. That is why, I think it is important for me to write this, because, basically, tennis matches for me, is enjoyable to watch and I don’t think there’s nothing wrong about it.
I happen to watch tennis tournaments on cable tv, because none of them local tv stations decided to broadcast them, because, basically tennis matches don’t really gain much ratings. Ok, tennis professional associations are divided by genders; ATP for men and WTA for women. Star Sports (tv station on cable that usually broadcast tennis tournaments) usually broadcast only ATP tournaments, so I happen to watch a lot of ATP matches. An ATP season runs almost a full year, from January to November each year. There are three stages on ATP; Grand Slams, ATP Masters-Series, and ATP Tournaments. There are four Grand Slams; Australian Open, Roland Garros (French Open), Wimbledon and U.S. Open. Grand Slams and all other tennis tournaments are spread through all parts of the world, that’s why when someone turns to a professional tennis player, then it is said that he’s joining ATP or WTA Tour.
I think it is obviously enjoyable and also entertaining, watching tennis matches. Well, of course, first you are going to have to pick your favorite tennis player. For me, I do not usually gunning for a dominant player like Roger Federer from Switzerland and Rafael Nadal from Spain (World No. 1 and 2), Lately I like the style of a new dominant player from Serbia, Novak Djokovic, but last year I was up for David Nalbandian. Second, if you’re really rooting for the player, you’re going to cheer every time he gains a point, or cringe every time he lose a point. And I know there are some points that are really cheap, or points that gained by the mistakes of one of the two players, but there will be a time when a really well-earned point is achieved, that’s when you’re going to have yourself entertained by tennis match. It is like when you are watching soccer match, it is impossible for you to be entertained right from the match starts until the match ends. There will be times when you’re entertained, that is when a goal is scored, and I don’t think that there are more than 5 goals is scored in a professional soccer match. Right? So do not judge a person for having a different taste of sport, just because the sport is not dominant. It is personal taste, man. You like soccer, I like tennis. Fair, right?
By the way, my last year’s favorite, David Nalbandian unfortunately did not do well on this season’s on ATP, just until a week ago when he defeated world number 1 Roger Federer in Madrid Tennis Masters. That is Nalbandian’s first Masters single although he already won a Tennis Masters Cup (a season ending tournament usually held in Shanghai, China or Houston, U.S.A . only the 8 top tennis player to be participated in a Round Robin system) title a few years ago. Nalbandian will not qualify for Tennis Masters Cup this year, but at least it’s awesome that he finally wins a Masters Series tournament. I basically like his style of tennis, he does not get ruffle easily, and he knows when to strike and when to fold, and he's a player that does not get flared up easily. He's style in tennis, he does not serve like Andy Roddick or Roger Federer, he always force his opponent to play for long rallies, and when he sees his opponent down, he's ready to strike!.. His weapon is his ability to force his opponent to play from the baseline. and he's so awesome with his backhand shots. Just awesome. And what I admire the most from David Nalbandian, is that he's the only two player (beside Rafael Nadal) to have a very competitive head-to-head scores with Roger Federer, and he's the only one of two active tennis players (beside Rogert Federer) who have reached the Semi-Final of All Four GrandSlams!
David Nalbandian lifts up his first ATP Masters-Series trophy
David Nalbandian claimed back-to-back ATP Masters Series titles with a 6-4, 6-0 victory over World No. 2 Rafael Nadal in the final of the Paris Tennis Masters Series on Sunday 4/11/2007. Not only is Nalbandian the first player to defeat World No. 1 Roger Federer and World No. 2 Rafael Nadal in the same tournament twice, he also becomes the first man to defeat them both in a final. David played an amazing tennis this last two weeks, He won two Masters-Series, back-to-back, he defeated world No.1 and 2 back-to-back. With his backhand shots and a huge amount of confidence, David, he's ready for Tennis Masters Cup Shanghai, I just hope he's going to be qualified. He's number 9 on ATP Race now, I hope one of 8 players will disqualify themselves for whatever reasons, David is the best! He's definetely back! he's absolutely one of the best tennis players in the world, No doubt about that!
I happen to watch tennis tournaments on cable tv, because none of them local tv stations decided to broadcast them, because, basically tennis matches don’t really gain much ratings. Ok, tennis professional associations are divided by genders; ATP for men and WTA for women. Star Sports (tv station on cable that usually broadcast tennis tournaments) usually broadcast only ATP tournaments, so I happen to watch a lot of ATP matches. An ATP season runs almost a full year, from January to November each year. There are three stages on ATP; Grand Slams, ATP Masters-Series, and ATP Tournaments. There are four Grand Slams; Australian Open, Roland Garros (French Open), Wimbledon and U.S. Open. Grand Slams and all other tennis tournaments are spread through all parts of the world, that’s why when someone turns to a professional tennis player, then it is said that he’s joining ATP or WTA Tour.
I think it is obviously enjoyable and also entertaining, watching tennis matches. Well, of course, first you are going to have to pick your favorite tennis player. For me, I do not usually gunning for a dominant player like Roger Federer from Switzerland and Rafael Nadal from Spain (World No. 1 and 2), Lately I like the style of a new dominant player from Serbia, Novak Djokovic, but last year I was up for David Nalbandian. Second, if you’re really rooting for the player, you’re going to cheer every time he gains a point, or cringe every time he lose a point. And I know there are some points that are really cheap, or points that gained by the mistakes of one of the two players, but there will be a time when a really well-earned point is achieved, that’s when you’re going to have yourself entertained by tennis match. It is like when you are watching soccer match, it is impossible for you to be entertained right from the match starts until the match ends. There will be times when you’re entertained, that is when a goal is scored, and I don’t think that there are more than 5 goals is scored in a professional soccer match. Right? So do not judge a person for having a different taste of sport, just because the sport is not dominant. It is personal taste, man. You like soccer, I like tennis. Fair, right?
By the way, my last year’s favorite, David Nalbandian unfortunately did not do well on this season’s on ATP, just until a week ago when he defeated world number 1 Roger Federer in Madrid Tennis Masters. That is Nalbandian’s first Masters single although he already won a Tennis Masters Cup (a season ending tournament usually held in Shanghai, China or Houston, U.S.A . only the 8 top tennis player to be participated in a Round Robin system) title a few years ago. Nalbandian will not qualify for Tennis Masters Cup this year, but at least it’s awesome that he finally wins a Masters Series tournament. I basically like his style of tennis, he does not get ruffle easily, and he knows when to strike and when to fold, and he's a player that does not get flared up easily. He's style in tennis, he does not serve like Andy Roddick or Roger Federer, he always force his opponent to play for long rallies, and when he sees his opponent down, he's ready to strike!.. His weapon is his ability to force his opponent to play from the baseline. and he's so awesome with his backhand shots. Just awesome. And what I admire the most from David Nalbandian, is that he's the only two player (beside Rafael Nadal) to have a very competitive head-to-head scores with Roger Federer, and he's the only one of two active tennis players (beside Rogert Federer) who have reached the Semi-Final of All Four GrandSlams!
David Nalbandian greets his entourage after a great win over Federer.

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