So much fun again.. gooo Hi-Ers!!!!
We had a lot of nice chats, most of them we poked fun at Eddy Syumardi Syamsu, who just arrived Makassar, after a few months in Singapore "S'Po" hahaha... He's taking his Master's Degree in a famous university there, majoring in Fashions.. or what? I was not paying attention really, but it might be true because of the fact that I have known for a long time that Eddy has a pretty serious attention towards the latest fashion.. like Versace, Gucci, Chanel, D&G, but Eddy's favourite fashion brand is of course... Louis Vuitton... Gosh.. what a unique kind of Human Eddy Sumardy Syamsu is...
Aunt Fien (Cucan's mom) as usual, made us nice homemade Pangsit Noodle which I DUG too much, It was so freaking delicious, that I could not eat just one bowl portion of noodles I had three hahhahaa.. I had to eat two.. hehehe just like Ridha... Then, there came Muthe (who, almost about to ruin my day because of her being so much demanding like usual.. hehehe), Kanda Abdurrahman "Chase-m" Kasim with Suryani "Reigme" and another pair by the name of Andi Tenri "UQ" Sukri Pangerang and our beloved civil servant, M. Amri... It was a very showering afternoon.. raining all freaking day.. but our time was so much brighter than the day.. because like always, we had fun, we had great conversations, and the most important thing is the fact that we celebrated two of our newest graduations of International Relations.. Best of luck to Cucan and Aldy!!!! Wish you two a happy.. umm.. Life ahead, Love you both!!
Chucank & Aldy.. CongratuLationS..! For.. Um..
nice work...... the couple that remind me of something chubby...huehehe....after graduate from univ then, graduate from dating....oough....married...lot of my friends married these days...why they married after i went to Jakarta? are they know that am a "wedding crasher"?......
Hahhaha...Rully..kasian'y deh.!!! btw..daLa juGa mo nikah ruL..
huhuhu..rinduku sm kumpul2 dictator's.!!!
seandenya jarak pinrang-makassar kayak kampus-cendrawasih jauh dekat 2500 ji..pasti se ke rmhnya cucan..heuheheheh
congratulation buat cucan n aldy..
welcome to the real world guys...
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