Sunday, December 30, 2007

National Treasure: Book Of Secrets

Gosh, Hasn't been writing blogs for ages now... ok, I watched this movie, National Treasure: The Book of Secrets this week, and I thought it was a nice choice, well it was the best choice, rather than opted to watch such movies like Film Horror or Beranak Dalam Kubur or even Miracle... man, oh man.. those three are just whacked pieces of movies..

oK, this sequel of National Treasure, still starred by Nicholas Cage as Ben Gates.. Honestly, I remember the original version of the movie.. um, vaguely.. it was back on 2004 right? I did not remember much, but gosh, I still got to watch the movie, particularly because, I saw the name of my fave. actress Helen Mirren.. and Ed Harris, was also starring in this movie.. And, I did not read or hear anything about this sequel before, mainly because I was not paying that much attention to what's buzzing in Hollywood these days hehehe..

So after I watched the movies, of course, there are loads of question marks in my head, particularly because I did not know a lot about the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln by an actor named John Wilkes Booth. The storyline is about a new proof from the Ed Harris' character, Mitch Wilkinson that the mastermind of the assassination of the President Lincoln is none other than Thomas Gates, the great-great grandfather of Ben Gates (Nicholas Cage).. for that reason, Ben Gates tries anything and everything to prove the innocence of his great-great grandfather.. despite all of the obstacles.. All those ultimately leads Gates and his "entourage" to an unknown abundant of treasure in Mount Vernon..

Now, Cage, being an unbelievably curious-and-seek-for-truth man, leads him to find evidences in such unbelivable places like the Buckingham Palace in England and inside the Oval Office, The White House in Washington D.C., even, "kidnapping" the President of The U.S.A. Well, I thought the movie was a good, until I seen those three scenes, and I thought to myself, gosh, aren't these scenes are kind of impossible.. Especially the scene when Gates and Diane Kruger's character Abigail tried their way to enter the Oval Office to seek for evidences with the single help of Abigail's boyfriend.. I was like, are you kidding me? ... But one thing I must admire is the fire-burning desire of Ben Gates to prove the innocence of his great-great grandfather.. I mean, how can you find person like that these days?? hehehe... and Mitch Wilkinson (Ed Harris' character) burning desire to have his name written in the history to be the man to find the hidden treasure.. tsk tsk tsk... Niat Banget yaaaa....

The bottom line, is this movie is an awesome one, honestly, I loved it so much, the action, the storylines, the awesome Helen Mirren, This is a must-watched-movie, I was not regretting anything watching this movie, just a little, um, critic there but i don't think it matter, the movie's awesome and who am I to judge anything? hehehe.. National Treasure: The Book of Secrets

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