Latihan Orientasi Ilmiah.. or Scientific Orientation Program is an annual program held by the Association of International Relations Students of Hasanuddin University.. The aim of the program is, to provide an official forum for the brand new generations (or the new students of IR), where they can learn about the recent developments regarding the International Relations, as well as building a new perspectives and provide a new way of thinking or paradigm for the students, in terms of analyzing the recent conditions of the world.. To provide all those, the senior students of the IR invited some of top speakers, who are related to the subject study of the International Relations, who are capable, not to mention, experts, in their league.. This program runs for normally three days..
This year's LOI was held at LEC Baruga, in Antang district.. the class of 2007, or the new students of IR, attended the program, they were enthusiastically followed each and every subject that is brought by the speakers.. The wide range of subjects, but still in the scope of the International Relations. like Globalization, Climate Change, or Great Struggles of People, just to name a few.. I based my assessment about the new students' being enthusiastic about the forum on the questions, that are mainly asked in the interactive sessions, on each subjects.. The bottom line, is I was glad, not just because I, myself have again, gained new line of brothers and sisters, but they are all intelligent aswell, not mention, critics..
Monday, December 3, 2007
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Hmm...pertama2 se mo biLang sm maba2 2007.."ini mi HI sebenarnya"
einiwei...napa itu cewe 1 yg jd fokus??hihihihihi.!!!!
jd ingatka masa2 LOI angkatan 03..ingat kejadian ngantuk2..kejadian chattingan yg kedapatan senior..ingat pas cucan dengan muka datar'y bilang sm senior.."klo HI itu tidak ada gunanya, kenapa kaka2 yg di atas tidak keluar dr HI?"hahahahhahah
ahh..indahnyaa LOI..
nih anak2 smua bawa mesin tik nda??
trus napa u da posting yg spooky2 itu yow???
wow....white n black...tired faces, acid smeels(i mean kacci'), hipnotyzed brain, many interest from senior(haha, kiding guys...his name also effort..!{namanya juga usaha ya gak?}). Miss that time, nice topic rhieyo, n nice captured too...(hmm...young leave{daun muda}), i hope all of newbloods(maba) can take the advantages than the disanvantages from this moment. keep strugle guys!!
doN't kNow wHat I haVe to saY...
eh,nDa' waJib jHy in enGLish toChhh..
bRing me....
kek dOngo' skaLi...
t'nYaTa nDa' baNyak yG kuTawu ttg HI...(T_T)
mauK bLajar baNyak kembaLi....
se piKir tOch...
modaL ngaPaL,,(kan nDa' aDa iTung2..tiNggaL haPaL2an beDe'...) tRus moDaL cas-cis-cus in engLish or apaLah..(yg pNtng nTu bHs aSing...)...
saLah bESARRRRRR...!!!!
nEEd a sMart persoN..
yg kRitik..wawasanna Luas..duhh..nDa' tawK bahasakanQ...
pokokx piLing boDoh skaLiK...
mawK bLajar kk yo..makax iKut LOI.. maKax se mau bela2i muKa tebaL u/taNya2 seNior ini iTu...nDa' ada setaw kk Yo....
oh iy..mana potokuw..????wakakak.. guBraKzzz..!!!!juSt kiDding..!!!
btw...btuL2 iTu 3 haRi naCh...
seMpatK yg jeNgkeL skaLi sama k'aNdhiKa...k'aNcha sama k'riDho... taPi bLakangan...uFFFF,,taNgky Bensin so mUch...i mean tenGkyuuu.. baNyak pLajaran b'haRgakuw..lain kaLi kaLu kuRang 7 baRis mami koDong tuGasNya juNior,,,Trima mi beDe'...jGan mi diaNggap kuRang huhuhu.....
seMpatK juGa meNangis gara2 Laukx woRteL...aStagaH seNiorrrrr..,nDa' maKan woRteLka' kaSiannnnn...taPi aKhirnYa..b'piKirK...seaNdaix d huTanK iTu..tRus saTu2nya maKanan cuma worteL..bemana mich..???
kuCoba mHy maKan worTeL skaRang... maCekuW saja sMpe taKjuB..(sMpe mo naNgis kOdonggg..!!!)..dapat hiDayah daRi manaK beDe'...inTix sKaLi Lagi mKasih seNiOrrrrr..
tRus...saDarK juGa 1 haL...t'Lalu maNjaK t'Nyata...dan Itu haRus dibaSmi sCepatNya..dUnia nDa' buTuh oRang maNja...btuL toCh kk yo..???? aP Lagi diCh..????baNyak mau ku bLg...
maSih binguNgK juga soaL fiLsaFat.. yaNg se taw..waktu baCa duNia soPhie..bErkeRut aLisku..pEnuh taNda tanya oTakku....dan sepuTuskan..mawK baCa ulang Lagi setelah LOI..hasiLnya..????stiLL.. BINGUNG..!!!ato pRivat duLu kaPang diCh sama k'kaSim hehehehe...
kaLo kEbuDayaan..kupLajari jHy d aNtro..jaDi nDa' puSing2 jeK...tRus kaLo maSaLah gLobaL waRming...(ini baGian yg paLing se suKa naChhh..viDeo yg aDa moNyetnYa.. hahahaha @_@..)baNyak mHy pErnaH di kaSi diSkusi sama kk2 d hiMpunan jaDi nDa' t'Lalu buta jeK soaL iTu....tyuuuuuuuuussss soaL pEnGantar HI..pRnaH mHy jUga..(daRi k'aGus jHy juGa..)..gLobaLisasi jUga pErnaH mHy daRi k'Rudi..malah sUDah mie se miNta webnya cUz aDa bEde iTu maTeri d siTu...suDah miE maLah se coPy ke FD ku....hehehehe Lbih tPatNya knapa se miNta kaRena nDa' terLalu kuPerhaTikan iTu maTeri waKtu iNtro wakakakak...taPi jGnQ jamma' naCh kk Yo....
poKokNya seNangK iKut LOI..daRi awaL mmg tErtaRikK iKut sMua faSex pEngKaderan...taPi kaLo diBandiNgkan LOI sama LK...LbiH se sUKa LOI gaNgggg.....aDa aCara nGinap baReNgnYaaaaa hehehehe...
caPe' meK nGetiK kk yo....
masiiiih baNyaaaaak yang mau se bilang..taPi....giTu mHyyy...naNti kaH bilangQ cRewetx maMo iNe aNak hehehehehe
suDah mHy naCh...sMoga baKsosx naNti kEren juGa....amiiiiiiiiiin.. salam bwat k'aNdika sama k'aNcha... maKaSih..terNgkyuuuu...aRigatooo.. mercy..kHamsa hamNida..sYuKran.. apaLah iTu...makasssyiiiiihhh..
bwat kakak2 anGkatan 03...salam knaLLL..!!!!!naMaku Ujha..baGi taNda taNgannya kakak..hehehe... salam kenaL.....!!!!!
wow, where that energy from Ujha...u might be a writer someday, amin...btw, why just "angkatan 03"....??
cieeee.... siapakah cewek ituwh..
tanda tanda...
apah artinyah notorious vicious ?
owh iyah, mie ayamnyah enak bangedss!
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