Monday, November 19, 2007

Blake: Beatboxer's Breakthrough

Alright, the wait's finally over. For those of you who were a huge fan of Mr. Blake Lewis, second finisher of the current installment of American Idol, his new single is finally here. I must say, I like this piece at the first moment I was listening it. His first album, I bet the album's going to be a blast! the album is called Audio Day Dream or A.D.D... well, I have no idea what is the meaning behind this title, but I am looking forward for the album to be released. I only have the cover of the album, and it is totally fresh and new, it's so different from everything else out there. Ok for now, if you want to have the first piece of Idol's best Beatboxer, Have it your way, feel free to download the track.!

Or click this if you want to have the Lyrics of Break Anotha.

If you want more information about him, go to Blake Lewis' Myspace page.

1 comment:

tendi said...

Hmm.. nih lagu blake banget.!!!

ya iyalah...heheh